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Monday, December 23, 2013

Rocking Around the Christmas Tree

It's the week of everyone using Christmas lyrics as blog post titles (guilty raises hand), but hey there is no shame in that they make fantastic titles. So anyways I'm here to do a little weekend recap and share a cute Christmas graphic that I made from one of my favorite movie quotes. {Warning - lots of selfies!}
On Friday S brought me a Kit Kat home as a little surprise, and we took some cute pictures this weekend. :)

Sometimes when I put on my Ray-bans I like to pretend that I'm a cop. 

I took a few (a ton) of selfies this weekend to the point that S asked me how many pictures I was gonna take of myself, haha.

The other things that we did this weekend was relax, pick up a new stand for the TV in our living room (which looks fantastic btw!), and go see the newest installment of the hobbit. Overall, it was a great fun and relaxing weekend. Only two days till Christmas and I am just so excited for S to open his presents! I have a really hard time buying gifts for someone and then having to wait to give it to them. Thankfully we're doing our gifts Christmas Eve, so I technically only have to wait one day.

And I'm going to leave you today with one of my favorite quotes from my all time favorite Christmas movie! Come back tomorrow for my link-up Techie Tuesday!

Jacq's Blogger Tips

 photo MSSignaturePM_zpsae66abe2.png


  1. Replies
    1. I could watch it endlessly! Along with all the other Vacation movies, haha.

  2. Nothin wrong with a couple selfies ;) have a very MerryChristmas!

  3. Love the selfies!

    Thanks for linkin' up!

  4. OMG THE selfies are awesome! You are too funny!

    I am hosting a weekend recap with Bella, would love for you to be a part of it!

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