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Monday, December 9, 2013

Icemageddon Day 4

Hello y'all and Happy Monday! As you can tell by the title of this post its really only a semi-happy Monday for those of us living in the great state of Texas. Today is day four of the ice mess that set in on late Thursday night, that kept us trapped inside for the weekend. Well today the roads are a teensy bit better, but in some places it is still pretty bad, and the temp still isn't going to get about 40, gotta love Texas!

So I am here to recap my weekend with y'all and tell you what we did whilst trapped inside by the icemageddon! Honestly that last sentence sounds like a declaration that would have been made in the middle ages, but i'm digging it so lets keep going.

So on Friday there was snow (ice) that equaled me bundling up and braving the cold to take some pictures.

So much ice on the cars, in fact mine is still covered with a good inch of ice...and i'm not looking forward to chipping it off.
Then on friday there was also yummy pumpkin pie that I whipped up & a cute instagram picture that I made with the A Beautiful Mess App.
Another snow selfie from Friday and then a selfie from Saturday when S and I braved the ice to go to Walmart and get our Christmas tree and some things that we needed to make potato soup! The soup was delicious, even though it took 4 hours to cook in the crockpot.
Last but not least watching Don't Trust the B**** in Apartment 23 and drinking yummy hot cocoa and our Christmas tree all decorated and lit up. It makes me happy to look at our Christmas tree.

That was basically the weekend in a nutshell and of course there was a lot of cuddling and movie watching involved as well. So it was a pretty great weekend. And now I'm linking up with Sami!
Sami's Shenanigans
 photo MSSignaturePM_zpsae66abe2.png


  1. I hear ya on the ice. It's no fun. Stay warm! Stopping by from the link-up. Happy Monday!

    Forever Young

  2. glad you are alright!! hope the ice melts quickly!

    looks like a great Christmas weekend!

  3. Oh wow so much ice! We don't get close to that where I'm from, it was 81 degrees unfortunately this weekend, I would like some sort of cold weather!

    I'm having a Weekend Recap linkup on my blog ! Would love for you to be a part of it :)

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