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Friday, April 18, 2014

Favorites Lately

Since it's Friday and I feel like I have been absent from blogging for a while, I wanted to share some of my favorites.

1. This iPad case. Holy goodness! This is the most versitle amazing case ever. I can serisouly not rave about it enough. Speaking of raving about it, there will be a post next week about all the awesome stuff that this case can do and more reasons why I like it so much.

2. The Vampire Diaries. If you want to know more about my current obsession with this show check out my Netflix review that I did last week.

3. This red streak in Elena's (Nina Dobrev) hair. I'm considering adding a red streak to my hair as a part of my summer hair. (Should I? Weigh in about it in the comments!)

4. These pants that I snagged from Ross. They feel like silk amazing-ness, and are right up there in comfort with yoga pants. They were also a total steal at $12! Thank you Ross!

5. My new cup with a straw. First off why are these cups so amazing? There is something about drinking everything out of a straw that just makes it better. Besides that they cup is purple. HOLLA.

6. The fact that a ton of Targets shoes are on sale. Which I took advantage of and ordered those two adorable pairs of wedges that you see up there. I can not wait for them to get here!

7. The song "Talk Dirty" by Jason Derulo

                                             Talk Dirty by Jason Derulo on Grooveshark

Style Elixir

 photo MSSignaturePM_zpsae66abe2.png


  1. I absolutely love that case! I only wish I had an iPad to use it with!


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