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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Glasses Make Me Lazy

I think that most people believe that when people wear glasses, it makes them seems more intelligent and motivated. Personally I used to think this myself. That is until I went from wearing contacts every day to having to wear my glasses for about two weeks. First I has a sty on my right eyelid. I was like ok I can deal with this. I went to the eye doctor got some meds, and everything seemed to be fine and dandy. Then I went back to have a follow up and found out I had some irritation going on in my left eye. At this point i'm like well how do we fix it. So I get a lovely antibiotic eye drop that I get to use for the next week. Which still means no contacts. While I am very glad that my eye problems are all cleared up and I will get to wear my contacts soon I came to a realization after two straight weeks of wearing my glasses.

Glasses make me lazy.

Now don't get me wrong here I like my glasses (all 4 pairs of them that I own) and they are a huge step up from the awful glasses that I wore in high school which was before I was introduced to the beautiful things that are contacts. But wearing them every day, when I have nothing better to do that sit around and binge watch Netflix means that I spent ALOT of time in bed over the past two weeks. While I honestly love lounging around and laying in bed as much as anyone else I am so over it. I never knew that something as small as putting my contacts on was something that really motivated me to do things throughout the day. So since I am looking forward to wearing my contacts again I wanted to make a list of some things that I really want to do after two weeks of extreme laziness.

1. Workout! To be honest I actually did try to do this, I just wanted to do some light walking on the treadmill but the one at our apartment gym is out of order. Bummer. So I want to do some more working out and if the treadmill is still broken then i'll probably walk outside.

2. Put on makeup. I know it's another small thing but even just a little bit helps me feel better throughout the day.

3. Hang out with my sister. This is already happening either way but I wanted to include it on this list. And it'll be great to have some girl time with my little sis!

4. Make sure to get everything squared away for my summer class that starts in a couple of weeks, along with finalizing my classes for the fall semester. IMPORTANT, IMPORTANT.

5. Go swimming! I want to go swimming so badly, I have a pool float and a floppy hat that are just wanting to get some pool time, this is definitely happening this week.

So those are just a few things I plan to do this next week to pull myself out of the lazy rut that i've been in. What kind of things do you do when you need to get out of a lazy streak? Tell me about it in the comments!
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