I do not think that I am the only college student who struggles with the overwhelming urge to be technologically connected all the time. We've become addicted to it, and that's only partially our fault. I think that the best way to overcome our addiction is to admit it. So I am here today asking all of you to pledge to a study shutdown. When you either have dedicated study time, or you just know you need to study I want to challenge you to disconnect from your phone, computer, or other device that connects you to the outside world. It you must use your computer for your homework, then install a blocker in google chrome that you can turn on that only lets you on school related websites so you have a better chance of staying focused. Turn off the TV, and listen to some music to keep you motivated. Set your phone to silent, not just vibrate. That way you aren't tempted to check it because you think you got a text message, or other notification. Think of your study time not only as your time to focus on bettering yourself as a student, but also a change to unplug from our technology filled world. I think that not only with your grades thank you, but you will thank you for taking time to focus on you and not what everyone else is doing.
I would love for you to join my challenge, all I ask is that you fill out the pledge, and post it on your blog explaining why you choose to take the challenge. Your response definitely doesn't have to be as lengthy as mine, it can be short and sweet. Also I would like it if you would leave a comment with a link to your blog if you decide to take the challenge so that I can come over and read why you want to challenge yourself to shut down your technology while you study.
**just right click and then click save image as**
I might just have to do this...I struggle with this SO SO much!